CLUE is the largest interdisciplinary late-night tutoring center on campus. In addition to program-directed services (drop-in tutoring, exam reviews), CLUE also collaborates with instructors to create additional learning spaces for students to engage with course content and connect with other students.
CLUE sessions are weekly discussion sessions held in the evening (6:30-9:00pm) for large lecture courses; the format is up to the session leader (student/TA) to determine, but can be lecture-style, facilitated discussions, or a mixture of both. These are not office hours- we aim to provide another active learning environment for students to engage in. Sessions can be held either over Zoom or in-person (first-come, first-serve rooms managed by CLUE in Mary Gates Hall).
Due to the timeline of hiring, onboarding and training, the cutoff point for requesting a discussion session through CLUE is the end of Week 2 each quarter.
CLUE is not accepting requests for discussion sessions at this time. Please email with any questions.
Any student that will maintain at least part-time enrollment through the quarter you want them to lead the session. The student can also be your course TA or an RA funded by your department.
CLUE cannot pay overtime salary rates. All students hired as discussion session leaders are subject to the 19.5 hours weekly cap for hourly student workers.
Hourly rates for discussion session leaders range from $21.57 (undergraduate students) to $23.57 (graduate/professional students). Rates are subject to change in accordance with the UAW 4121 ASE contract requirements.
The goal for discussion sessions is to create more intimate learning environments for students in large gateway courses at the UW. Because of that, CLUE can only support sessions for courses with at least 100 students enrolled.
Hiring can take up to two (2) weeks- sessions cannot start until the session leader has completed the onboarding process
Each course can have one session per week
Instructors can have up to two (2) discussion session leaders per course
We recognize that some departments have bigger teaching teams for the large enrollment courses. Please consider nominating students that you can mentor and support at a sustainable level given your own schedule and responsibilities.
Nominate a discussion session leader via the CLUE Discussion Session Request Form.
Have the following information on hand:
Please contact the CLUE team at