Academic Support Programs

For Faculty & Staff

Our programs are for all undergraduates at the University of Washington. Our goal is to complement the relationships that students have with professors, instructors and advisers. Here are some ways that you can get involved with Academic Support Programs.

Exam Reviews @ CLUE

Led by CLUE tutors, these are lecture-style review sessions for on-sequence introductory courses in our core STEM subjects. Students can check our events calendar for information about upcoming sessions.

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Class Visits and Workshops

Interested in having an ASP staff person (CLUE tutor, Academic Success Coach or ASP Professional Staff) speak about our programs to your students? Interested in having a workshop for your course or for a specific student population? 

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ASP Syllabus Template

Here is a paragraph about our services that you can include in your course Canvas page, syllabus, or class listserv. Thank you for sharing the word about our services with students! 

Academic Support Programs (ASP) creates transformative educational experiences to help students thrive academically at the University of Washington. ASP offers free peer to peer academic support through our CLUE Tutoring and Academic Success Coaching programs.