Before or during the first week of the quarter, you can expect the instructor of each of your courses to be in touch with you about the course and the important next steps.
Here are some tips to help you prepare for your remote courses.
Your instructors may be using Panopto, Zoom, Canvas, Office365 and Google G Suite for lecture capture, course management, online conferencing and collaboration. Get familiar with the platforms your instructors will be using. There are existing “how to” videos for each platform through UW Information Technology as well as online technical support.
Here are some quick tips to be successful using these platforms
Turn on Canvas notifications to ensure you receive alerts when there are changes or posts in Canvas.
Learn how to find and submit assignments on Canvas.
Familiarize yourself with Zoom. Practice a zoom conference with your friends ahead of time.
If your instructor uses Poll Everywhere, sign into the application with your NetID to sync your responses with Canvas.
You will be communicating with your instructors and classmates virtually. Many of the platforms used for your course will have the option for discussions, group assignments and peer feedback.
Here are some quick tips to be the most effective in your communications:
Check your UW email regularly if not daily. Your primary communication platform will likely be your UW email. Reply to emails promptly and professionally.
Ask your instructor if there will be group chats, Facebook groups and other structured opportunities to interact with your classmates if it is not already noted in your course syllabus.
Set up online study groups to give yourself structure and virtual support! Even if you just sit around and work independently, it can be helpful to be virtually together.